
General rules for drones

This page describes the general principles for worldwide drone use. These rules may not be explicitly described in all legal texts, but they ensure that the general public does not have a negative image of drones and the use is not further restricted.

Respect the privacy of others

Since many drones today are used to take pictures and record video, it is important to respect the privacy of others. If somebody feels disturbed by a drone, it is better to stop the flight, even if it happens in an actually allowed zone.

Do not fly near airplanes

If you can not act fast enough, a drone could collide with an airplane or a helicopter, which can be fatal. Therefore, it is best to avoid airfields and to immediately land at the sight of an airplane.

No alcohol and drug use

Drones require maximum attention and should not be controlled under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

Common sense is needed

The goal of drones is that you enjoy it. Be it joy for the one who uses the drone or even for those who look at the beautiful pictures. You just must use common sense and not take unnecessary risks or endanger other people and animals.

Insure yourself

In many countries, a sufficiently large insurance is necessary. Even if this is not the case in one country, it is better to check if your insurance covers the flying of drones.

Do not disturb rescue operations

Flying the drone near rescue operations and the police is a very bad idea. Many rescue workers feel disturbed. In addition, a rescue helicopter may not be able to take off or land, as the drone occupies the airspace, thus making it unsafe.

Type of application

Most countries distinct between commercial operations and recreational drone use. More about the individual differences are described at the respective countries.